Mound Bayou Museum of African American History and Culture


Dr. Simpson Collection

The Mound Bayou Museum proudly hosts the “Dr. Simpson Collection,” a remarkable assembly of African American artifacts encompassing what is described as the “good, the bad, and the ugly.” This comprehensive collection includes both positive and negative items, the latter serving as a reflection of United States citizens’ consciousness, expressions, and thoughts. By showcasing these artifacts, the museum aims to illuminate the historical context that led to misconceptions about Black individuals, ultimately influencing living conditions for all American citizens

Mound Bayou Museum Exhibit

The Mound Bayou Exhibit at the Mound Bayou Museum is a powerful narrative that vividly portrays the inspiring journey and relentless pursuit of the American dream by a community that epitomized a true “rags to riches” story. This exhibit elevates and magnifies the remarkable tale of resilience, determination, and success, showcasing the indomitable spirit of a people who defied adversity to achieve their aspirations. Visit the exhibit to witness a captivating tribute to the enduring legacy of those who turned dreams into reality in Mound Bayou.

Emmett Till Exhibit

The Emmett Till exhibit at the Mound Bayou Museum unveils the chilling reality of the Till murder case, exposing the cruelty, brutality, and peril embedded in unchallenged societal lies. Amidst this tragic narrative, Mound Bayou stands as a historical “sanctuary city,” offering a glimmer of hope in a dark chapter of American history. In collaboration with MGM’s “Till” movie and ABC’s “Women of the Movement” series, the Mound Bayou Museum seeks to powerfully illuminate the profound layers of this American tragedy through compelling exhibits.

Mound Bayou Fact

Mound Bayou served as a unique sanctuary, offering safety for witnesses, a platform for the African American press, and a haven for Emmett Till’s mother, Mamie Till-Bradley. Without the support of Mound Bayou, the truth about Emmett Till’s fate might have remained hidden.